Your wedding video is probably one of the most important movies you’ll ever star in or watch. The biggest part of having a wedding video you’ll love is hiring the right videographer. Knowing which shots to capture, which moments to commit to film, and the best way to get the best shots is common knowledge for us. In addition to trusting us with your memories, there are a few things you can do to make sure you look like the star you are on in your once-in-a-lifetime wedding video.
Practice Posing Before Your Wedding Day
Stand in front of two mirrors – one for head shots and close ups, one for full length pictures – and practice posing. Make sure you get your soon-to-be-hubby involved to practice with you. It’s a good way to have fun together and a great way to decide what shots are a must-have for your video and wedding album.
Watch Other Wedding Videos
Don’t try to replicate anyone else’s wedding exactly, but if you see something you like send it to your video professional and prepare them with as much information as you can so you can have the video you desire. On the other hand, you may want a pose exactly like your parents or grandparents, so show your pro their picture and ask him to recreate it for you.
Smile, Smile, and Smile Some More
This is easier said than done because you’re sure to run into at least one little glitch or wobble. Just remember to take everything in your stride – even if the day isn’t going exactly as planned – because the cameras are ALWAYS on you. Smile, smile again, then smile some more. After all, what feels like a catastrophe that day will likely fade from your memory. Why Because you won’t care if the cake is the wrong flavor when you remember that you married the love of your life.
Have Fun!
Videographers look for those moments when you’re just being a silly girl with your guy or vice versa. Everything doesn’t have to be posed. Grab your partner, embrace them, and talk about how the day is going. Enjoy the best parts of the day and don’t sweat the small things.
It’s All About The Lighting
Wherever you decide to get dressed make sure there is a huge window to allow natural light to flow through. Nothing compares to natural light for creating stunning wedding photos. That goes for the wedding prep, the ceremony, and the reception. Practicing your pose really can help make it perfect. Remembering to smile and have fun go a long way toward making the day and the video special. Remember these five details, concentrate on marrying the man or woman you love, and leave the rest to us.